Hi Polyflow frens! 👋
A month after our release, we’ve got a bunch of new features in production. In no particular order of importance, they are:
Improved dashboard
The analytics dashboard now shows more information, including top marketing campaigns, most commonly used networks, user funnels, tx history & user sessions.
Multi-Chain Address Details
You can now click on an address anywhere in the app & get an overview of all events that the user has done through that address, on all chains your app is deployed to.
Attribution details
You can now click on all attribution dimensions - such as your marketing campaigns, sources & more. This will give you an overview of all metrics for that specific campaign.
In the GraphQL queries, you can now access the Wallet Portfolio of every address & user!
Polyflow is aiming at a quick release cycle, based on user feedback. Give us any and all comments and we’ll work fast & hard to make Polyflow the platform fit for your needs!